Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dating Stories...Or the Lack There Of

I was spending time with a good friend tonight and she mentioned the restaurant, Settebello's. The most amazing Italian Pizzeria I have ever been too! Although I have never been to Italy, I have been informed it is the most authentic Italian Pizza you can find in Utah. Every time someone mentions this restaurant now I remember one particular experience I had there. You see living in Utah and being of the age of 30 many people love to set me up on blind dates. Amazingly I have had some great blind date experiences, but I also have had some horror stories as well. Shortly after moving to Provo my dear friend Tricia decided she wanted to set me up on a blind date. Since he lived in Provo (this should have been my first warning sign :)) and I lived in Layton we thought it made the most sense to meet in Salt Lake, that way neither of us had to do a ton of driving (warning sign number 2, clearly both of us had been on many blind dates and were not quite willing to put forth too much effort). After talking back and forth through Tricia (warning number 3, I never actually talked to him) we decided to meet at Settebello's on a Friday night at 6:30.

The night of the date had arrived. I of course left work much later than planned and was rushing home to get ready. Because I certainly couldn't go as I was after work. I needed to get all gussied up for a complete stranger. Maybe I am the only girl like this, but whether I am excited about a date or not, whether I know the guy or not I still feel the need to look my absolute best. I could be going on a date that I am absolutely dreading and I will still fuss over my outfit and how I look. I know it is pathetic. Anyways, amazingly after redoing my hair and makeup I was on my way back out the door with a little time to spare and actually arrived at the restaurant early. I couldn't decide what I was more excited for the date or the pizza! Okay, really, if I am being honest here I was totally more excited for the pizza! But I will have to tell you more about the date and the pizza in my next post.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing I know this one....otherwise I would be ticked that you didn't just tell us!!! And Super cute background!! How did you do it?
