Monday, October 15, 2012

Individual Worth

A couple of weeks ago I was given a new calling. I now have the privilege of working with the young women in my ward. This calling came as quite the surprise but is one I am very excited about. I have such wonderful memories of young womens from my youth. I just hope they leave with fond memories as well.

Yesterday was the first time I got to teach all the young women combined. The lesson was on individual worth. To start the lesson off I showed the following video.

President Uchtdorf has such a way with words. This video quickly brought the spirit into the room. I then shared this quote from Elder Jeffery R. Holland "Your Father in Heaven Knows your name and knows your circumstance. He hears your prayers. He knows your hopes and dreams, including your fears and frustrations. And he knows what you can become through faith in Him. Seek to comprehend the significance of these doctrines."

After reading that I thought it was appropriate for us to find and read scriptures that taught of our worth and value. These were some of the scriptures we read.

D&C 18 :10
Abraham 3:23
D&C 46:11-20
Isaiah 13:12

During all of this my young women had a handout they were filling in. On one side it said "What Heaven Sees". On the other it said, "What the World Sees". Then together we talked about the characteristics Heaven values and the characteristics the world values.

We then ended with the song, What Heaven Sees in You.

Never have I heard my young women so silent as I did during this lesson. I just hope it was because they were feeling the spirit like I was and not because they were bored :).

I am posting this for several reasons. One because I want to remember this lesson and the way I felt while teaching. Secondly because no matter our age sometimes we all need a reminder about how important we are. Sometimes it is too easy to forget that we are all children of God. He loves us and knows us personally and by name. He will never forget our value and neither should we.


  1. Sounds like it was a good lesson, I enjoyed reading it! It's good to hear from you!

  2. Good job you! Way to update your blog,and I am proud of the young women's president that you are. You are exceptional!
